SDB Fuseki Integration

Fuseki is a server that implements the SPARQL protocol for HTTP. It can be used to give a SPARQL interface to an SDB installation.

The Fuseki server needs the SDB jar files on its classpath. The Fuseki configuration file needs to contain two triples to integrate SDB:

## Initialize SDB.
[] ja:loadClass "com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.SDB" .

## Declare that sdb:DatasetStore is an implementation of ja:RDFDataset .
sdb:DatasetStore rdfs:subClassOf ja:RDFDataset .

then a Fuseki service can use an SBD-implemented dataset:

<#books> rdf:type sdb:DatasetStore ;
   sdb:store <#store> .

 <#store> rdf:type sdb:Store  ;
   rdfs:label "SDB" ;
   sdb:layout         "layout2" ;
    [  rdf:type sdb:SDBConnection ;
       sdb:sdbType        "postgresql" ;
       sdb:sdbHost        "localhost" ;
       sdb:sdbName        "SDB" ;

The database installation does not need to accept public requests, it needs only to be accessible to the Fuseki server itself.