TDB Transactions

TDB provides ACID transaction support through the use of write-ahead-logging.

This feature is part of version TDB 0.9.0 and later.

Databases created with version of TDB 0.8.X can be used with 0.9.X to add transactional capability.

The file format of 0.9.X is compatible with TDB 0.8.X. See below for reverting a database to 0.8.X.



The transaction mechanism in TDB is based on write-ahead-logging. All changes made inside a write-transaction are written to journals, then propagated to the main database at a suitable moment. This design allows for read-transactions to proceed without locking or other overhead over the base database.

Transactional TDB supports one active write transaction, and multiple read transactions at the same time. Read-transactions started before a write-transaction commits see the database in a state without any changes visible. Any transaction starting after a write-transaction commits sees the database with the changes visible, whether fully propagates back to the database or not. There can be active read transactions seeing the state of the database before the updates, and read transactions seeing the state of the database after the updates running at the same time.

Transactional TDB works with SPARQL Query, SPARQL Update, SPARQL Graph Store Update as well as the full Jena API.

TDB provides Serializable transactions, the highest isolation level.


(some of these limitations may be removed in later versions)

  • Bulk loads: the TDB bulk loader is not transactional
  • Nested transactions are not supported.
  • Some active transaction state is held exclusively in-memory, limiting scalability.
  • Long-running transactions. Read-transactions cause a build-up of pending changes;

If a single read transaction runs for a long time when there are many updates, the system will consume a lot of temporary resources.

API for Transactions

TDB supports the general Jena API for transactions on RDF datasets (introduced in Jena 2.7.0, ARQ 2.9.0). Not all storage systems support this style of transactions.

A TDB-backed dataset can be used non-transactionally but once used in a transaction, it should be used transactionally after that.

Read transactions

These are used for SPARQL queries and code using the Jena API actions that do not change the data. The general pattern is:

 dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
 try {
 } finally { dataset.end() ; }

The dataset.end() declares the end of the read transaction. Applications may also call dataset.commit() or dataset.abort() which all have the same effect for a read transaction.

 Location location = ... ;
 Dataset dataset = ... ;
 dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;

 try {
     QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create("SELECT * {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10", dataset) ;
     ResultSet rs = qExec.execSelect() ;
     try {
         ResultSetFormatter.out(rs) ;
     } finally { qExec.close() ; }

     // Another query - same view of the data.
     qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create("SELECT * {?s ?p ?o} OFFSET 10 LIMIT 10", dataset) ;
     rs = qExec.execSelect() ;
     try {
         ResultSetFormatter.out(rs) ;
     } finally { qExec.close() ; }
 } finally { dataset.end() ; }

Write transactions

These are used for SPARQL queries, SPARQL updates and any Jena API actions that modify the data. Beware that large operations consume large amounts of temporary space.

The general pattern is:

 dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
 try {
   dataset.commit() ;
 } finally { 
   dataset.end() ; 

The dataset.end() will abort the transaction is there was no call to dataset.commit() or dataset.abort() inside the write transaction.

Once dataset.commit() or dataset.abort() is called, the application needs to start a new transaction to perform further operations on the dataset.

 Location location = ... ;
 Dataset dataset = ... ;
 dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;

 try {
     Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel() ;
     // API calls to a model in the dataset

     model.add( ... )

     // A SPARQL query will see the new statement added.
     QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(
           "SELECT (count(*) AS ?count) { ?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10", 
           dataset) ;
     ResultSet rs = qExec.execSelect() ;
     try {
         ResultSetFormatter.out(rs) ;
     } finally { qExec.close() ; }

     // ... perform a SPARQL Update
     GraphStore graphStore = GraphStoreFactory.create(dataset) ;
     String sparqlUpdateString = StrUtils.strjoinNL(
          "PREFIX . <http://example/>",
          "INSERT { :s :p ?now } WHERE { BIND(now() AS ?now) }"
          ) ;

     UpdateRequest request = UpdateFactory.create(sparqlUpdateString) ;
     UpdateProcessor proc = UpdateExecutionFactory.create(request, graphStore) ;
     proc.execute() ;

     // Finally, commit the transaction. 
     dataset.commit() ;
     // Or call .abort()
    } finally { 
        dataset.end() ; 

Multi-threaded use

Each dataset object has one transaction active at a time. The usual idiom within multi-threaded applications is to have one dataset per thread, and so there is one transaction per thread.

Thread 1:

 Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(location) ;
 dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
 try {
   dataset.commit() ;
 } finally { dataset.end() ; }

Thread 2:

 Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(location) ;
 dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
 try {
 } finally { dataset.end() ; }

Each thread has a separate dataset object; these safely share the same storage but have independent transactions.

While it is possible to share a transaction between multiple threads, this is not encouraged. Applications needing to do so must ensure that only one thread starts the transaction, via a Dataset object, and that all threads are acting "multiple reader OR single writer".

Multi JVM

Multiple applications, running in multiple JVMs, using the same file databases is not supported. There must be a single JVM controlling the database directory and files.

Use Fuseki to provide a database server for multiple applications. Fuseki supports SPARQL Query, SPARQL Update and the SPARQL Graph Store protocol.

Bulk loading

The bulk loader is not transactional.

Migration from TDB 0.8.X

The database files used by TDB 0.9.0 are fully compatible with TDB 0.8.X; there are no file format changes and application code using the interface provided by TDBFactory will continue to work as before, without transaction capabilities. The only addition is the presence of journal files.

Transactions use a new API: the TDBFactory API is still present. If an application simply uses the TDB 0.9 codebase, it will work as before without transactions.

Applications can start using transaction by coding to the new API.

Reverting to TDB 0.8.X

A database can be reverted to TDB 0.8.X by running tdb.tdbrecover - this program recovers any committed transaction with pending actions. The database can then be used with TDB 0.8.X.